S'ha publicat el número 11 de la revista Estudis de Literatura Oral Popular / Studies in Oral Folk Literature corresponent a l'any 2022 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.17345/elop2022 ) . Aquest número està dedicat a la llegenda contemporània i els articles estan escrits en anglès. Són els següents: " Prague ghostlore of the late 19th century. Suburban ghosts between moral panic and vernacular spectacle ", de Petr Janeče . " Nature Returns: Dolphins and Dinosaurs. On Fake News, Photoshop Urban Legends and Memes during the COVID-19 Lockdown ", d' Eda Kalmre . " THE NIGERIAN SCAM 2.0 How an improved online scam trick made an unsuspecting Dutch man over 20,000 euros poorer ", de Theo Mede . " ‘Localised’ and ‘unlocated’ contemporary legends and their function on the Greek internet ", d' Aphrodite-Lidia Nounanaki i Rea Kakampoura . " Politics, folklore and humour: the c...